Mermaid's love the moon! It does control the tides and the ocean after all! - And tonight is a New Moon. Time for new beginnings and fresh starts. Also time to check your moon sign! The moon sign represents ones' feminine side (the sun sign is the masculine side). I'm a Leo Moon and here's what that means for me: LEO MOONS are proud and charming people who always seem to be happy. They radiate power and natural warmth. They are generous and cordial. In turn they like to be recognized and admired and know very well how to put themselves in a scene. They don't appreciate criticism, since it would hurt their pride, which sometimes comes close to arrogance. Above all, female Leo Moons have powerful creative capabilities, which they should channel into the arts. Leo Moons can be very dominant, but they posses a loving heart. Their life is dominated by loving and being loved. Once they have made friends with somebody, they become very faithful friends and partners. But, e...