TAROT CARD: Reversed The Lovers

In these scary and uncertain times I’m finding that my friends, my family AND myself, are more and more often unhappy, confused and frustrated in our daily lives. I am also getting a lot more requests for a tarot card reading! I think we are all hoping the cards will tell us something positive and good that we can hope for in our future. I spoke to my friend Noel today, and she is so frustrated with life and so anxious for things to go back to normal— whatever “normal” will be again— that she was talking about problems I’ve never heard her deal with before. And we’ve been friends for decades! We were on the phone for over and hour, and as we spoke, I pulled a card for her and it showed exactly how she was feeling. 🌜✨ Reverse Lovers: Longing for love, beauty, and harmony. Frustrated by lack of romantic love and kindness and the comfort that brings. Unable to trust. ❤︎ Does it describe how you are feeling?