🌜✨Aquarius and the Planet Uranus🌜✨

Of course Uranus is the planet associated with quirky, unconventional Aquarius, since it is the ONLY oddball planet that rotates on its side! It also rotates in the opposite direction of almost all of the other planets (except for Venus). You can call both Uranus and Aquarius, off-beat and eccentric, and, of course - full of surprises! ✨ You can see Uranus in the sky, really easily, until February 12, 2020 in the Western Hemisphere. Check out earthsky.com to see what is visible in the sky each night. Here they will tell you how to see Uranus along with the waxing moon this month: https://earthsky.org/tonight/moon-and-uranus-in-front-of-pisces Learn more about Aquarius in my Antiqued Zodiac Journals on ETSY! https://www.etsy.com/listing/187094593/antiqued-astrology-journal-aquarius?ref=shop_home_active_25