Aquarius: The Water Bearer 🌜✨ Happy Birthday Aquarius 🌜✨ January 21st marked the beginning of the Sun Sign Aquarius - MY very favorite sign because I am an AQUARIUS! Clever and mischievous Aquarius will always surprise you with the unexpected and the Aquarius symbol of Water Bearer is no exception, since Aquarius is an AIR sign not a water sign as many people assume! Aquarians are unorthodox, love a dramatic entrance (and drama in general!), and totally unpredictable. Their ruling planet, “Uranus” is the “planet of surprise” which should be no surprise to you now that you know more about Aquarians! We are often interested in the creative arts as well as science AND astrology. On the outside we can seem calm and relaxed but inside our mind is exploding with creative and wild ideas that we must pursue. You might be surprised to learn we are sensitive, intuitive and absent-minded. We can also be very stubborn, but you love us anyway because we are loyal, honest, and devo...