
Showing posts from 2012

Another ROSE PETAL jam recipe ❤

Here is another lovely ROSE PETAL JAM recipe from An Edible Mosaic webstie:  

Wild Rose Faery Jam ❤

For everyone who LOVES roses and rose petals, or if you have purchased petals from my website ( here are some lovely recipes that use rose petals. This is a wonderful recipe for WILD ROSE FAERY JAM, from one of my favorite cookbooks, The Wicca Cookbook by J. Wood and T. Seefeldt. Ingredients: 2 cups water 2 cups rose petals, white bases removed (they are bitter tasting!) 2-1/2 cups super fine sugar 1/8 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice 1-1/4 tablespoon rose water In a large saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Decrease heat to the simmering point and add the rose petals. Simmer for 5 minutes, until petals are pliable. Add the sugar and lemon juice. Bring back to a boil. Decrease heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Stir until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture begins to thicken. Add the rose water. Let stand, until foaming. Too test for donesness, place a spoonful of the jam on a cold saucer. Allow the mixture to cool and push o

Never underestimate the power of the moon...


Moon in Aquarius may cause conflict

The moon moved into Aquarius on the New Moon January 23rd and you may find more conflict in your life during this time. It is a good idea to add a few things to your alter, or goddess space, that can help avoid, or at least help with, any current conflicts. BLACK is the color for banishing negative energy. Add a black candle to your goddess space and burn it before bedtime or anytime in the evening when the moon is out. Close your eyes and visualize your conflict being resolved. EUCALYPTUS is also good for getting rid of negative energy. Add some eucalyptus leaves or oil to your alter. Slowly breathe in the invigorating fragrance and close your eyes. Visualize your conflict and how you would like it to be resolved. YELLOW ROSES help to bring about new beginnings and represents joy and happiness in friendship. Add some yellow roses to your goddess space if this is where your conflict lies. And don't forget LAVENDER. This wonderfully fragrant herb is used to ease stress. During any c

New Moon in Aquarius

Tonight is the New Moon and this month it enters Aquarius! (which is both my sun sign and rising sign❤) In any month the New Moon is the time for new beginnings and fresh starts, and this year it is particularly powerful since the New Moon falls on a Monday, the sacred day of the Moon. Aquarius is the sign of mystery, intrigues, magic and tranquility which adds to the power and mystery of tonight's New Moon.
A Very Happy and Healthy New Year to ALL!