
Showing posts from March 15, 2020

New Projects 💕 An Artists Diary During A Pandemic ⭐︎ Day 9

The rain stayed away today even though the weatherman warned of a big storm and the clouds were beautiful especially with the sun fighting its way through them.  It was so clear today you could see Catalina Island! 26 miles off the coast of Los Angeles, the island is not often visible so it was a really beautiful sight! The stores are (and have been for a week) completely empty of food, both shelf food as well as fresh. I’m rationing what I have so today I finished the last of my tomatoes and the start of my last loaf of bread so....  ...time to bake some homemade sourdough bread. I now have the time to work on new projects and I'm taking full advantage!  I’ll let you know how it’s going. I’ve always wanted to do a project with moon phases so I brought out my watercolors and I’m trying some designs this week.   So far, so good! ❤︎ BE WELL ❤︎ Los Angeles    231 cases 0 deaths

Please Stay In The Studio: An Artists Diary During A Pandemic ⭐︎ Day 7

A fter a long walk in the fresh air (6 feet away from everyone I encountered) I'm back in the studio having a "Quarentini" and chocolate (always makes me feel better!) and working on a tarot card order. 🌜✨ Another day, another day inside- except for a little fresh air by the sea while the rain is staying away. Much of Northern California, especially the Bay Area, has been given a shelter-in-place order, but here in Southern California we are still asked to just practice social distancing. I'm sure that won't last long! It was a cold but sunny day today so LOTS of people went for a run or walk in the cool air and bright sunshine, hopefully being mindful of keeping six feet apart. I know I stepped off the sidewalk many times to let others pass.  Here in my home studio I am finishing up a few orders. Sales of my Tarot Cards and Antiqued Books have slowed significantly since the coronavirus pandemic has begun, and I am feeling the financial strain like

A Break From the Rain as coronavirus looms...

Creative Pisces’ month is coming to an end but the only thing on everyone’s mind is the coronavirus. Now that everything in Los Angeles has shut down and we Angelenos are relegated to staying at home, I’ll keep you posted on what an artist —who is also a double Aquarius! (sun sign and rising sign)- does when left indoors for weeks on end. To add to the frustration of having to stay indoors (not easy for us beachside Angelenos) it’s been raining for several days, and is expected to rain all this week. I can’t get a break! BUT today there was a little bit of relief from the rainstorms and I took the opportunity to hurry down to the beach for a long walk. It was a wonderful atomospheric day and nice to see the ocean, which is always rejuvenating.  ☀️ Adding to the ominous feeling of the day with the cornoavirus looming all around us, there was a sailboat off shore with a black sail. I've been to this beach thousands of times for many decades and I've never seen