
Showing posts from 2020

TAROT CARD: Reversed The Lovers

In these scary and uncertain times I’m finding that my friends, my family AND myself, are more and more often unhappy, confused and frustrated in our daily lives. I am also getting a lot more requests for a tarot card reading! I think we are all hoping the cards will tell us something positive and good that we can hope for in our future.  I spoke to my friend Noel today, and she is so frustrated with life and so anxious for things to go back to normal— whatever “normal” will be again— that she was talking about problems I’ve never heard her deal with before. And we’ve been friends for decades! We were on the phone for over and hour, and as we spoke, I pulled a card for her and it showed exactly how she was feeling. 🌜✨ Reverse Lovers:  Longing for love, beauty, and harmony. Frustrated by lack of romantic love and kindness and the comfort that brings. Unable to trust. ❤︎ Does it describe how you are feeling?

May's full moon is the FLOWER MOON ☾

  Woke up about 3am last night because a bright light was shining in my face between the blinds  in my bedroom. I looked outside and saw it was the FULL MOON! A super moon! It was so beautiful  and mesmerizing I stared at it for over an hour- I took the photo below with my phone so the quality is not great, but it captures the mystery of a full moon. Sadly, this is the last supermoon of the year.   Venus, the brightest of the planets, will appear as the Evening Star this week. Look out for it! ⭐︎ ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ May 2020 ⭐︎ Watercolor on watercolor paper The full moon in May is called the Flower Moon, to celebrate the spring flowers that will  bloom during the season.  🌜✨

Artist's Sketchbook: Beach watercolors

Seems  I’ve gone out of my wooden doors and windows and I’m back on the beach (at least in my sketchbook….)— before they are actually re-open!  #getmeoutofhere  #backtothebeach  #beachlife  #beachlove  #watercolors #sketchbook 

Artist's Sketchbook: Pen and Ink ✒︎

I love sketching during the evening after a long day of making tarot cards and vintage books to send out to customers. Right now I am loving working on pen and ink drawings of old wood and stone.  ✒︎ I blame one of my students, Connie, who also loves drawing old wood and  got me to see how beautiful these old doors and windows can be and really fun and relaxing to sketch. For the fine lines of the wood I use a .005 Micron pen, which is my favorite, but not many artists have patience to use it ✒︎ ✒︎  ✒︎ ✒︎

Vegan Breakfast in the Sun ☀️: An Artists Diary During A Pandemic ⭐︎

Did I mention I was vegan?  It is a wonderful diet and lifestyle, good for your health, and helpful and kind to the EARTH.  I’m celebrating this sunny warm day with an especially nice breakfast (for me)  Pancakes!  ☀️ Yummy vegan pancakes with green tea in my favorite "moon" mug  Most people think pancakes are unhealthy, but they don’t have to be! These are multigrain pancakes to which I added ground flaxseeds-  which adds fiber, Omega-3s, and lignans (an excellent cancer fighter!). YUM! I topped the pancakes with toasted walnuts (more Omega-3s), organic blueberries-my favorite superfood I have every day (fiber, vitamin C and the highest level of antioxidants of any fruit or veg), organic apple slices (fiber and too many benefits to list!), and topped with organic maple syrup ❤︎   Yes, the maple syrup is a little sweet treat, but PURE maple syrup has tons of good stuff (Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, and antioxidants) - so it’s an excellent sweet tr

Masks for ALL ❤️ - An Artists Diary During A Pandemic ⭐︎ Day 32

After five days, the rain is finally gone and it’s a beautiful sunny day today. The everyone-must-wear-masks-in-public order went into effect yesterday in Los Angeles so there are MANY people going by my window and balcony with all kinds of homemade masks on. Even some runners have them on, for which I am truly grateful. I have begun sewing and selling fabric masks because I believe so strongly that EVERYONE should wear a mask- especially since 80% of people who have the coronavirus do not even know they have it or have very mild symptoms and can easily spread the germs to many. Stores are closed, of course, and all I had around the house was some celestial-themed fabric I bought for making tarot bags, so my masks are celestial themed, with some shabby chic fabric here and there. I’m sewing some healing crystals on them since we can all use a little extra help right now! Amythest, Aquamarine, and Rose Quartz- my favorite healing crystals! ⭐︎ Amethyst - SERENITY - Calms the m

New Projects πŸ’• An Artists Diary During A Pandemic ⭐︎ Day 9

The rain stayed away today even though the weatherman warned of a big storm and the clouds were beautiful especially with the sun fighting its way through them.  It was so clear today you could see Catalina Island! 26 miles off the coast of Los Angeles, the island is not often visible so it was a really beautiful sight! The stores are (and have been for a week) completely empty of food, both shelf food as well as fresh. I’m rationing what I have so today I finished the last of my tomatoes and the start of my last loaf of bread so....  ...time to bake some homemade sourdough bread. I now have the time to work on new projects and I'm taking full advantage!  I’ll let you know how it’s going. I’ve always wanted to do a project with moon phases so I brought out my watercolors and I’m trying some designs this week.   So far, so good! ❤︎ BE WELL ❤︎ Los Angeles    231 cases 0 deaths

Please Stay In The Studio: An Artists Diary During A Pandemic ⭐︎ Day 7

A fter a long walk in the fresh air (6 feet away from everyone I encountered) I'm back in the studio having a "Quarentini" and chocolate (always makes me feel better!) and working on a tarot card order. 🌜✨ Another day, another day inside- except for a little fresh air by the sea while the rain is staying away. Much of Northern California, especially the Bay Area, has been given a shelter-in-place order, but here in Southern California we are still asked to just practice social distancing. I'm sure that won't last long! It was a cold but sunny day today so LOTS of people went for a run or walk in the cool air and bright sunshine, hopefully being mindful of keeping six feet apart. I know I stepped off the sidewalk many times to let others pass.  Here in my home studio I am finishing up a few orders. Sales of my Tarot Cards and Antiqued Books have slowed significantly since the coronavirus pandemic has begun, and I am feeling the financial strain like

A Break From the Rain as coronavirus looms...

Creative Pisces’ month is coming to an end but the only thing on everyone’s mind is the coronavirus. Now that everything in Los Angeles has shut down and we Angelenos are relegated to staying at home, I’ll keep you posted on what an artist —who is also a double Aquarius! (sun sign and rising sign)- does when left indoors for weeks on end. To add to the frustration of having to stay indoors (not easy for us beachside Angelenos) it’s been raining for several days, and is expected to rain all this week. I can’t get a break! BUT today there was a little bit of relief from the rainstorms and I took the opportunity to hurry down to the beach for a long walk. It was a wonderful atomospheric day and nice to see the ocean, which is always rejuvenating.  ☀️ Adding to the ominous feeling of the day with the cornoavirus looming all around us, there was a sailboat off shore with a black sail. I've been to this beach thousands of times for many decades and I've never seen

🌜✨Aquarius and the Planet Uranus🌜✨

Of course Uranus is the planet associated with quirky, unconventional Aquarius, since it is the ONLY oddball planet that rotates on its side! It also rotates in the opposite direction of almost all of the other planets (except for Venus). You can call both Uranus and Aquarius, off-beat and eccentric, and, of course - full of surprises! ✨ You can see Uranus in the sky, really easily, until February 12, 2020 in the Western Hemisphere. Check out to see what is visible in the sky each night. Here they will tell you how to see Uranus along with the waxing moon this month: Learn more about Aquarius in my Antiqued Zodiac Journals on ETSY!

THE STAR Tarot Card

🌜✨ The Star Tarot Card and Aquarius 🌜✨ Did you know each zodiac sign is ruled by a Tarot Card from  the Major Arcana?  It’s true, and The Star is the tarot card connected to Aquarius. Image is from Tarot of a Moon Garden The similarity between Aquarius and The Star is evident the moment you look at the the image on the tarot card! As we know, the symbol for Aquarius is The Water Bearer and as you see on the The Star card, there is a woman bearing containers of water, pouring them into a larger body of water. ✨ In the Major Arcana, The Star represents the universe and all its mystery, and we know Aquarians are mysterious, quirky, and full of surprises! (see last week’s post!). This Star card from the Antiqued Tarot Card deck at WanderingMermaid The Star also symbolizes Inspiration, Hope, and Faith ✨ If you pull a Star card during a reading, and it is right-side-up, it could mean bright prospects, mixing past and present, optimism, and again, hope a


Aquarius: The Water Bearer 🌜✨ Happy Birthday Aquarius 🌜✨ January 21st marked the beginning of the Sun Sign Aquarius - MY very favorite sign because I am an AQUARIUS!  Clever and mischievous Aquarius will always surprise you with the unexpected and the Aquarius symbol of Water Bearer is no exception, since Aquarius is an AIR sign not a water sign as many people assume! Aquarians are unorthodox, love a dramatic entrance (and drama in general!), and totally unpredictable. Their ruling planet, “Uranus” is the “planet of surprise” which should be no surprise to you now that you know more about Aquarians! We are often interested in the creative arts as well as science AND astrology. On the outside we can seem calm and relaxed but inside our mind is exploding with creative and wild ideas that we must pursue. You might be surprised to learn we are sensitive, intuitive and absent-minded. We can also be very stubborn, but you love us anyway because we are loyal, honest, and devoted
It’s a new year with new possibilities!  2020 In numerology it is the Number FOUR, which resonates with patience, organization, endurance, determination, and balance. I’m keeping that in mind after the many challenges I faced in 2019.   After the devastating fires in Southern California, I moved my home and studio and LOST all my beloved materials (inks, paints, papers, etc.) that I use for work and all my creations! It was the only thing that did not make it! - and the inks I use cannot be replaced. So, I’m trying to look at this as a sign to start fresh and new. I had to close my ETSY shop for the Christmas season, which was devastating financially, but now I am re-working my tarot cards with new inks, designing new books, bringing back some of my magickal  bottles, and adding a new line of  gemstone creations. Gemstones you say? YES! Right on my work table I have an Aventurine stone (Encourages creativity, enhances prosperity, increases luck) and I am wearing a beautifu