
Showing posts from January 24, 2021

🌜✨ Happy Birthday Aquarius 🌜✨

  🌜✨ Happy Birthday Aquarius 🌜✨ January 21st marked the beginning of the Sun Sign Aquarius  It’s my very favorite sign because I’m an AQUARIUS! ☾ ⭐︎ Meet an Aquarius….  Aquarians are quirky, eccentric and always march to the beat of their own drums. Clever and mischievous, Aquarius will always surprise you with the unexpected which is evident by the Aquarius symbol of Water  bearer, since Aquarius is an AIR sign not a water sign as many people assume! Aquarians are unconventional in their thoughts, actions, and way of life, and are known for their intellectual genius and visionary ideas. They LOVE a dramatic entrance (and drama in general!) and are unpredictable, a lot like their ruling planet Uranus, which is the “planet of surprise” and the only planet that spins on its side. Aquarians are often interested in the creative arts, science and astrology. When you get to know us we may seem calm and relaxed but inside our mind is exploding with creative and wild ideas! Anyone who
  Had a wild drive from Malibu to San Luis Obispo (3 hours north) and back yesterday. I checked the weather forecast that morning before I left which predicted sunny (Central California) to light showers (Los Angeles to Santa Barbara).   ☀️🌦 Fiery sunset along central california coast The reality was I encountered thunderstorms, heavy rain, rainbows, 40mph winds, hail and on the way home SNOW IN MALIBU!!  ⛈🌈🌨💨 What a wild weather day! AND- I no longer trust the Weather Channel AT ALL! ❄️ ❄️ ❄️