Creating a Goddess Space

Creating magick is a wonder of the natural world and it is important to have a special space of your own where you can feel calm, connect to yourself, and work your magick. This space is often called an ALTER SPACE, but some people are afraid of or uncomfortable with that term because it conjures up ideas of religion or a God, so I like to use the term GODDESS SPACE. The idea of THE GODDESS, for me, is an expression of spiritual power, which is the perfect idea behind your space.

This space is for you and your magickal things. It could be a space on a table or desk at home or at work, a tray or even a flat piece of wood. Whatever feels best for you. Your space should always contain something from nature. Seashells, flowers, leaves, stones, driftwood are all wonderful things to keep in your Goddess space. I have always kept a bit of nature around me, even when I was a child. It seems natural to me to always have a some seashells and pieces of coral next to my bed, on my desk or even in a bowl in my bathroom! I didn't even realize I was creating a Goddess space! Even now when I go into an office building and glance at the workspaces I often see little stones, seashells or dried flowers in the corner of someone's desk and I imagine they don't even realize they have just created a magickal space! It just feels right. YOur space shoudl also contain something important to you. This is often a photograph, perhaps of your family or close friends, or even you pet but can also be a pieces of jewelry, or gift received from someone special. Use several things if that feels good to you. Once you have your Goddess Space you can add to it all the time


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