New Papers for the Antiqued Spell Book

It has been seven years since I created my lovelyAntiqued Spell Book, and I am finally out of the dozens of gorgeous antique red flower papers I’ve used for the cover all these years! 

I am constantly looking out for more of that paper, but in the meantime, I have done endless research looking for some lovely new papers! - And here they are!

Twilight in the Witch’s Garden

For the photo in my ETSY shoppe I chose my favorite paper, which I named “Twilight in the Witche’s Garden”. It is a lovely pale blue color with tiny stars throughout and a hint of the wild plants and magickal herbs growing in every witch’s garden. 

The back cover has a mysterious silhouette of a castle among the starry twilight sky. 

Lavender Magic

A beautiful lavender to violet tinted paper over a magickal flower garden among shimmery stars

Haunted Medieval Castle

A hauntingly eerie yet beautiful paper which is heavily antiqued and has the faint image of the great hall inside a medieval castle. Is that a man walking down the pathway? Or a ghost….

Antique Rose Garden

A ghostly pale rose garden pattern with light antiquing and a lovely ethereal quality. 

And, of course, there is always solid black paper!

If you would like to purchase one of my original Antiqued Spell Books, please visit my ETSY website:

...and don't forget to choose your favorite cover paper from the drop down menu ❤︎

Please remember that the sheets shown above are Full Sheets, and will be split in half, for the Spell Book. One half for the front cover and the other half for the back cover. If you would like a sample of what your book will look like with your favorite cover paper here, please contact me through my ETSY shoppe and I will work up a sample and photograph it for you!



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