☾⭐︎ Zodiac Signs and Their Complimentary Tarot Cards ☾⭐︎

 Did you know that every zodiac sign is ruled by a Tarot Card from the Major Arcana?

The Major Arcana, sometimes known as the Greater Trumps, are the first 22 cards 

in a traditional 78-card Tarot deck and represent the stages in an individual’s 

journey through life with a significant meaning attributed to each card. 

Look below to find the Tarot Card that belongs with your Zodiac Sun Sign!


Aries    The Emperor

Aries and the Emperor share some admirable traits!  Loyalty, sticking by friends and family through thick and thin, and someone who is always there when you need them are attributes of both.  Aries and The Emperor are good leaders. The dominant Emperor reminds Aries to use those in power and/or with authority to help achieve your goals  For Aries, that often means a male figure and could mean yourself!


Taurus  The Heirophant

The Hierophant is a respected and knowledgable teacher and stubborn Taurus can learn from him. Although Taurus seems superficial because they love the finer things in life, they are actually quite practical, which means they have a lot in common with the Hierophant, who stands for higher truths, reliability, and traditions. The crossed keys in the lower center of the Hierophant card, symbolizes heaven and earth which a grounded earth sign like Taurus can relate to.


Gemini   The Lovers

Adam and Eve, the two people on The Lovers card, symbolize duality or two halves that make one complete whole, which the Gemini twins can understand well. Both the Lovers card and Gemini show the need for harmony between two sides to make a balanced and peaceful (shown by the winged angel on the Lovers card) whole.


Cancer  The Chariot 

The Chariot card represents the idea of moving forward, determination, and drive which is perfect for Cancers who are steadfast and always focus on the right course to achieve their goals (whether they follow through or not!). The driver of the Chariot is clad in protective armor, just like the Crab (the symbol of Cancer) lives in its protective shell. The Chairoteer uses his armor to protect him from outside forces and opposition and the Cancer Crab hides in its shell to protect itself from conflicts, indecision and hurt feelings. Cancer’s ruling planet is the MOON, and crescent moons can also be seen on the Charioteer’s shoulders.



The LION is what binds Leo and The Strength card together since The Lion is the symbol for Leo and a Lion shows prominently in the Strength card. The Lion, of course, means strength— both physical and emotional—but also represents courage, bravery, warm-heartedness, and a loving, devoted nature. Leo and the Lion also share the tendency to be powerful leaders, confident and fearless.  



Virgos, like The Hermit, will never mind being solitary and alone because it gives them time to reflect on goals and their purpose in life. The Hermit wears a grey, drab robe and looks weary similar to the way a Virgo often wears themselves out striving for perfection but rarely achieving it. Both Virgo’s and The Hermit and very mysterious to those around them and hide within themselves.



If you know a Libra you know they are fair, just, and always seeking harmony. It is difficult for us not to love a Libra because of their charm, kindness, and their fairness which brings us to The Justice card. The figure in The Justice card holds scales, which is the symbol for Libra, and shows how both strive for balance and what is right and equal for all. The problem with perfect balance is the inability to make a decision which is one thing Libra’s are often guilty of.


Scorpio Death


Death is often considered the END of something but can also signal the beginning or rebirth of an idea, event or stage in life. When you look at a scorpion, the symbol for Scorpio, you often focus in on the large stinger, which conjures up images of pain or death but is simply a warning not to cross fiery Scorpio or you may pay the price. Scorpios seem to bounce back from a disastrous event like a rising phoenix. Scorpios are seriously interesting in paranormal, mysticism, and reincarnation which brings us back to The Death card and the idea of rebirth and the opportunity of a fresh start.

Both Scorpios and Death are very mysterious….


Safittarius Temperance

Sagittarians are exuberant, adventurous, and always trying to stay one step ahead of everyone else, which make Temperance—the card of patience and self-control—the perfect balance.  And speaking of balance, notice the angel in the Temperance card has one foot on land and one in the water reminding us to balance our lives and that keeping still is not always a bad thing.


Capricorn The Devil

Capricorns can be strong-willed, inflexible, determined, cautious, and often pessimistic but strive to develop the side of them that is gentle and kind with a devilishly dry sense of humor. This conflict is where The Devil Card comes in. The Devil Card represents the ultimate conflict between order and chaos and the struggle between supreme good and supreme evil. 


Aquarius The Star

Take a look at the water bearer!!— which is the symbol for both Aquarius and the image on The Star card—so their relationship is obvious right away! Aquarians are quirky, eccentric, and live an unconventional, often Bohemian, lifestyle. They are rebellious (just like their ruling planet Uranus, that is the only planet that spins on its side!), worldly, and extreme visionaries that are always reaching for the stars in a positive light. The Star card represents hope, inspiration, and the mystery of the universe.


Picsess The Moon

Pisces are sensitive, spiritual, and the most empathetic of the sun signs, but at the same time they very much need their privacy and are very secretive, which is where the mysterious MOON card comes in. The Moon represents the shadow-self with secrets and mystery always surrounding it. Pisces ever-changing moods are like the cycles of the moon and remind us that things are never as they seem with both Pisces and The Moon.


Tarot cards shown are available for purchase in my shop!


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