☾⭐︎ Zodiac Signs and Their Complimentary Tarot Cards ☾⭐︎

Did you know that every zodiac sign is ruled by a Tarot Card from the Major Arcana? The Major Arcana, sometimes known as the Greater Trumps, are the first 22 cards in a traditional 78-card Tarot deck and represent the stages in an individual’s journey through life with a significant meaning attributed to each card. Look below to find the Tarot Card that belongs with your Zodiac Sun Sign! ✨🌞✨ Aries ✨ The Emperor Aries and the Emperor share some admirable traits! Loyalty, sticking by friends and family through thick and thin, and someone who is always there when you need them are attributes of both. Aries and The Emperor are good leaders. The dominant Emperor reminds Aries to use those in power and/or with authority to help achieve your goals For Aries, that often means a male figure and could mean yourself! ☾ ⭐︎ Taurus ✨ The Heirophant The Hierophant is a respected and knowledgable teacher and stubborn Ta...