Vegan Breakfast in the Sun ☀️: An Artists Diary During A Pandemic ⭐︎

Did I mention I was vegan?  It is a wonderful diet and lifestyle, good for your health, and helpful and kind to the EARTH. 

I’m celebrating this sunny warm day with an especially nice breakfast (for me)  Pancakes! 


Yummy vegan pancakes with green tea in my favorite "moon" mug 

Most people think pancakes are unhealthy, but they don’t have to be! These are multigrain pancakes to which I added ground flaxseeds-  which adds fiber, Omega-3s, and lignans (an excellent cancer fighter!). YUM! I topped the pancakes with toasted walnuts (more Omega-3s), organic blueberries-my favorite superfood I have every day (fiber, vitamin C and the highest level of antioxidants of any fruit or veg), organic apple slices (fiber and too many benefits to list!), and topped with organic maple syrup ❤︎  Yes, the maple syrup is a little sweet treat, but PURE maple syrup has tons of good stuff (Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, and antioxidants) - so it’s an excellent sweet treat!

I believe the earth is trying to heal right now so try a vegetarian diet one day a week. 
The planet with be grateful.

Time for me to eat now but later I’ll show you what I’m working on.

GRATITUDE I am grateful for blueberries, the perfect super food. 


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