A Break From the Rain as coronavirus looms...

Creative Pisces’ month is coming to an end but the only thing on everyone’s mind is the coronavirus. Now that everything in Los Angeles has shut down and we Angelenos are relegated to staying at home, I’ll keep you posted on what an artist —who is also a double Aquarius! (sun sign and rising sign)- does when left indoors for weeks on end. To add to the frustration of having to stay indoors (not easy for us beachside Angelenos) it’s been raining for several days, and is expected to rain all this week. I can’t get a break! BUT today there was a little bit of relief from the rainstorms and I took the opportunity to hurry down to the beach for a long walk. It was a wonderful atomospheric day and nice to see the ocean, which is always rejuvenating. 
Adding to the ominous feeling of the day with the cornoavirus
looming all around us, there was a sailboat off shore with a
black sail. I've been to this beach thousands of times for many
decades and I've never seen a black sail. A bit frightening...

Los Angeles  
94 cases
0 deaths


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